Industrial UV lamps
Professional UV LED lamps are widely used in industry for inspection tasks and UV adhesive curing. The lamps are designed for everyday industrial use in harsh conditions.
Handheld UV lamps
With the exception of some special applications, modern UV lamps are made exclusively using LEDs. The quality of UV LEDs is basically determined by its light spectrum, intensity, lifespan / environmental resistance. These high quality controlled LED light sources are integrated into various lamp designs. The combined design of the UV LED and the luminaire determines the area of use of the lamp.
Stationery UV lamps
Installed or suspended UV lamps are typically used in magnetic powder inspection as an accessory for test benches on which a large number of typically axial components are tested. Another common area of use for suspended lamps is the various sorting tasks where placed above the table (below the plane of the eye axis), the lamp illuminates the required test area.
Curing UV lamps
The solidification of various monomers and polymers can be controlled by UV light. The procedure is based on a photo initiators mixed into the raw material that harden during a photochemical reaction. UV Curing lamps provide an easy-to-use and flexible solution for UV adhesives.
The ultraviolet lights can cause eye and skin damage if used improperly. Always use appropriate personal protective equipment when using the lamps.